With summer in full swing, the need to protect oneself from the sun’s harmful rays is ever present. One may think, “I don’t need sunscreen; I never burn” or “I only burn once and the rest is tan.” Regardless of the case, preventative measures must be taken.
According to the American Cancer Society, an estimated 10,130 people will die of melanoma in 2016, making it the deadliest form of skin cancer. To make matters worse, one in five Americans will develop skin cancer over the course of a lifetime.
Sunscreen is one of the best ways to protect oneself against the sun’s harmful rays. Sunscreen utilizes organic and inorganic ingredients to absorb, reflect, and scatter the harmful radiation away from the skin. There are three types of UV rays that can affect you on earth, two, UV-A and UV-B, which are found naturally outside. One, UV-C, is only an issue if you use tanning beds. Water-resistant broad-spectrum sunscreen with a SPF 30 is the best option for most people. SPF 30 means that you are 96 percent covered from the sun’s harmful rays.
If one has extremely fair skin, SPF 90 will provide 99 percent protection from the harmful radiation. Despite popular belief, darker skinned people are not protected against sunburn. It just takes longer for them to burn.
It is extremely important to reapply sunscreen every two to four hours, waiting 30 minutes before venturing outside for proper skin absorption. One is most susceptible to the harmful rays between 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. No matter the time, one should always wear sunscreen.
Once one achieves more than five sunburns their chance of getting melanoma doubles. Choosing the right sunscreen is important. Be sure to avoid oxybenzone, which disrupts hormones, and Vitamin A, which may cause increased sun sensitivity.
Have a fun this summer and be sure to protect your skin.