This summer, along with all other work and athletic responsibilities, I’ve decided to join a summer softball league with a few friends. While I haven’t played baseball in nearly seven years and have lost hope in still obtaining any skills, this softball experience has been more fun than I had initially imagined for a few reasons. These sorts of leagues span more than just softball, including generally all sports. Checking out what summer sports your local park district could end up becoming the pinnacle of your summer Sundays.
Although my love for baseball is far from what the boys in “The Sandlot” felt, I still found endless humor in the batting, fielding and running of the bases. The fact that I get to hang around with my friends while being out and active throughout the summer gives me one more thing to look forward to during the week. The competitive nature to play the games without the added pressure of actually having to win (which, of course we always do), gives these summer games a better sense of fun. They aren’t too relaxed to the point of being boring, but they aren’t too pressured, making them enjoyable.
Joining any one of these leagues, whether it be softball, volleyball, basketball, flag football or countless others is as simple as logging in to your nearby park district’s website and searching for what sports they have. Finding a few friends who are willing to join, and grab a few beers after your games -- with you can enhance your experience, although they aren’t always necessary. If you’re just looking to catch some sun and get away from Netflix, regardless of the people around you, joining certain summer sports can be just as satisfying alone.
Without the added friends -- who would be more inclined to grab some drinks afterwards -- individuals in summer leagues can use these athletic opportunities to push themselves towards a more fit lifestyle. Although these games may not be the most intense in terms of fitness, partaking in these sports can enable participants to potentially pursue a more active lifestyle. With this, it can be much easier to continue a pattern of exercise, in a much more enjoyable way. Some may find this to be an outlet from the monotony of treadmill running and early morning workouts and continue to participate in sport-related exercise.
Not only are summer leagues a great additive to the sunny essence of the season, they can be a great way to bring friends together in a relaxed setting for some competitive fun. I highly recommend looking into these leagues due to their ability for time with friends, potential fitness and ultimate enjoyment for all involved.