Summer Shenanigans Are Approaching And We All Want Those Swimsuit Ready Bodies | The Odyssey Online
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Summer Shenanigans Are Approaching And We All Want Those Swimsuit Ready Bodies

But let's face it, most of us are lazy when it comes to getting fit and we don't want to leave our beds any earlier (if at all...) than we have to for a workout sesh.

Summer Shenanigans Are Approaching And We All Want Those Swimsuit Ready Bodies
Photo by Annie Gray on Unsplash

So we all know that summer is just around the corner. For many of us, the thought of driving with the windows down, bright sun shining on our skin and a warm breeze through our hair is something we can't wait for. But something we can do without is what I like to call, the summer scaries (kind of like the Sunday scaries but not). The thought of "Oh no! Do my shorts even fit anymore? I wonder if there is a way to hide my arms without becoming my own personal waterfall. Does this bro tank make me look small? Don't even get me started on trying to find a flattering swimsuit!" It's time to kick it into high gear!

We all jump into action with intentions to workout and eat healthy. Let's face it, eating healthy went out the window with Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and every other little holiday we can use as an excuse to eat all of the delicious but bad for us foods. Not to mention, many of us are lacking in the motivation department to wake up at zero dark thirty and climb out of bed to drag ourselves to the gym five times a week.

Ladies and gents, stop stressing! If you are really looking to work on that summer bod with little extra effort, there is an up and coming trend just for you. That's right, you don't ever have to step foot in a gym again. Heck, you don't even need to leave your pillow top mattress for this latest and greatest. Now, just so I could have a fair and accurate testimony of exercising from the comfort of our comforters, I took it upon myself to try it out, and I must stay I'm a fan!

By simply turning on a thirty minute episode of my favorite show "Friends" and doing a number of exercises that I found via Pinterest, I was a able to break a sweat without getting out of my sweatpants. Although it's no spin class, exercising from my bed for a week made me feel ten times better than having not done anything at all. There is a strong possibility you might feel silly at first, but it can be kind of fun!

All things considered, whether you are the type of person who loves hitting the gym, going for a run, or (and my personal favorite) staying in bed to binge Netflix, you should embrace who you are completely, inside and out! Everyone's bodies are amazingly strong and unique in their own ways. So as summer time approaches, remember, when looking in the mirror before heading out, that there is no such thing as the "perfect summer body". Then, grab your favorite sunglasses, head out the door and take on all of the adventures this warm weather season is going to bring before the sun sets on summer again!

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