Coffee #1: Dalgona Coffee
Here's Everything You Need To Make Fool-Proof Dalgona Whipped Coffee You've Seen All Over TikTok
First up is the iced coffee that took TikTok by storm. Dalgona coffee is a product of the COVID-19 social distancing order enforced in Seoul, South Korea, hence the reason it is also called the 'quarantine coffee'. Dalgona is a honeycomb toffee made with melted sugar and baking soda, sold as a street snack in Korea. The Dalgona coffee we all have grown to love was named after this because of the similar taste. Making the coffee itself became a popular trend because of the extensive amount of time it takes to hand whip the instant coffee, sugar, and water together. So, as we continue to sit in social distancing, I recommend this as a sweet coffee treat for your summer mornings.
Coffee #2: Vietnamese Iced Coffee
Vietnamese coffee is made in a meticulous way. Starting with coarse ground dark roast coffee that is Vietnamese-grown, it is then filtered in a small metal drip with hot water slowly added, resulting in a perfect drip filtered coffee. This coffee is then put over ice and served, most popularly with an added 2 to 3 tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk. Now I know that a lot of us do not have access to this amazing drip coffee so, just make a strong cup of the hot coffee of your choice, add the sweetened condensed milk and ice into a separate cup, and pour the hot coffee over that. Then you have a homemade delicious Vietnamese iced coffee to go about your living room with the best positive vibes.
Coffee #3: Bubble Coffee
I hope we can both agree to disagree that boba tea is one of the best drinks that humanity has given us. Ok now let's move on to this next coffee. Probably the simplest and most straight forward coffee on this list, it is just as it sounds. An iced coffee with the coveted boba pearls added into it. The fact that you can combine two incredible drinks into one without making it taste like a little kid's drink after their parents didn't watch them put every soda from the fountain into one cohesive liquid, is fantastic to say the least. To make this coffee, you would just make boba pearls at home and your favorite iced coffee and add the boba in. I would recommend an iced caramel coffee with the boba to make the best escape from your quarantine reality with a heavenly sugar crash.
These are my 3 favorite summer iced coffees that I have been rotating religiously throughout my quarantine weeks, and I hope you will too. So, go out and spread your little coffee wings in your kitchens and make these wonderful drinks. Have a fun and safe time in your coffee making adventures.