Summer is finally here and lovely as ever. If you have been thinking of spending your vacation doing nothing, welcome to the club. I was so excited doing nothing this summer (except summer classes, which we all know are not fun at all) and just enjoying myself but I found out that doing nothing literally stressed me out after a while.
I know it sounds crazy and I hate this productive me but here are some things you can do to make your summer productive and fun at the same time!
Learn a new language
GiphySounds crazy, I know, but research shows learning a new language literally can open up new pathways in your brain! Plus it makes you sound super smart and the process can be fun!
Read those books on your list
GiphyYou might finally read that book you have been putting off and by reading it, you will prosper or at least find out what happened with that one character that supposedly died in the previous book!
Start prepping for your grad school entrance exam
GiphyYes, I hate this one too but if you wanna get into your dream school, you gotta start prepping now and you know it.
Get back on those hobbies that you love
GiphyMay it be painting, writing, or even horseback riding, this is the only time you have got to relive those memories before classes start again.
And finally, catch up on those TV shows/movies
GiphyNow, this is the only part of this article that I have thoroughly checked off the list because I have been yearning for this part of the summer and this is how I know you need to get your binge on too.
And there you have it, a list of things you should do to be productive! Have a great summer, guys!