Summer has just begun and it is coming to an end all too soon.
I feel as though I just arrived home yesterday. I just finished unpacking the last few things from college only to realize that it's now time to pack everything back up again. In just one short week, I will be taking the first car load of my belongings down to my new apartment in Philadelphia. It is unbelievable to me that I will be starting my sophomore year of college already. I cannot believe how fast this part of my life is going by.
While yes my summer was filled with many fun times with friends and family, I can't help but think about all of the things I wish I still had time to do. I am so grateful to have been able to get a great job this summer, where I worked many hours and met amazing people. I loved making money that I was able to save for the school year and put toward my education. However, there were times I wish that I had more free time, to go on spontaneous adventures, try new restaurants, go to the beach, and just spend quality time with friends I don't get to see during the year. With growing up, we have all begun to realize that summers just aren't quite going to be the same anymore. Each one of my friends have jobs where they work 40-60 hour weeks and also take summer classes, so it is nearly impossible to find time for us to all get together. There are just not enough hours in the day.
I miss the days when we could just call each other up randomly and spend the entire day lounging by the pool. I wish there was still time this summer for more nights filled with concerts, night swimming, dinners, and sleepovers. But unfortunately there is only a few weeks left until classes begin and fall weather starts to move in. We will just have to make the best of the bit of time we have left!
Despite the sad realization that each summer moving forward we begin seeing less of each other, we all know that we are moving on to new and exciting things in our lives. When we do find time to be together, it is so comforting knowing that we have each other to share those moments with. Each summer moving forward will become busier and crazier than the last. It's very bittersweet to be growing up and moving on from those lazy, care-free, do-nothing summers that we experienced during middle school and part of high school.
But it's time to stop dwelling on this past summer and look forward to this next year that will be filled with new memories and great times!