4. "Someday" - Parachute (MAKE) | The Odyssey Online
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16 Songs That Will Either Make Or Break Your Ultimate Summer Playlist

Spend your summer jamming out the right way

16 Songs That Will Either Make Or Break Your Ultimate Summer Playlist

I'm well aware of the fact that I may get some heat for some of the choices I've made here, and that's quite alright. For me, the ultimate summer playlist includes a mix of songs that I can imagine myself listening to with the windows driving down a backroad or while I'm sitting by the pool enjoy the sweltering summer heat. Either way, some of these songs definitely make the cut and others...well they just don't make the cut. Whether you agree or not, that's OK! But I promise if you make a playlist and include the eight songs that are guaranteed to make your summer playlist you won't regret it.

1. "Old Town Road" - Lil Nas X and Billy Ray Cyrus (BREAK)

I'm going to be quite honest with you, I have only listened to this song maybe three times but that's already three too many. If we are all really honest with ourselves this isn't that great of a song, and adding it to your summer playlist at the end of the day will just end up ruining it.

2. "Never Really Over" - Katy Perry (MAKE)

This song is both catchy and upbeat. Those are two staples of what makes for the perfect summer playlist song. Not to mention the fact that this seems to be one of those songs that you can't help but sing along to, so it's perfect for those backroad drives with the windows down.

3. "ME!" (feat. Brendon Urie of Panic! At The Disco) (BREAK) 

I love T Swift so this one is hard for me, but if I am quite honest I just can't get with the "hey kids, spelling is fun" line. I know it is only a small portion of the song, but it's enough to ruin it for me. Also, if I'm being quite honest, it really isn't that catchy. Sorry not sorry.

4. "Someday" - Parachute (MAKE) 

Parachute's first album in three years is a total hit, in my humble opinion. If you need an album to define your summer this is the one for you. This song specifically is incredibly upbeat and provides the motivation we all need during the summer, and throughout the remainder of the year. It emphasizes how everything will work out one day and if that isn't hype enough for you, then I don't know what is.

5. "Easier" - 5 Seconds of Summer (BREAK)

I feel like the majority of this song is sang in falsetto, I have nothing against this but it just isn't my vibe. Also, it makes it nearly impossible to try to sing along to, won't lie. Not to mention, it just doesn't have a summery vibe to me. There really isn't much else to say about this one because there isn't many redeeming factors to it.

6. "If I Can't Have You" - Shawn Mendes (MAKE)

This song does two things well; 1) it appeases the helpless romantic in all of us and 2) it's incredibly upbeat. Not to mention that Shawn Mendes has the voice of an angel. Of all of the songs on this list, this may be the closest to ultimate road trip playlist worthy.

7. "I Don't Care" (with Justin Bieber) - Ed Sheeran (BREAK)

Ed could do so much better than this. I really have nothing else to say other than that. even the beat can't really save this one for me.

"We Were Young" - Petit Biscuit and JP Cooper (MAKE)

This song is fun and one of those songs that can be bopped along to no matter the situation. It definitely has an interesting beat which makes it perfect for a day sitting by the pool tanning or if you're just hanging out with friends having a dance party.

9. "Sucker" - Jonas Brothers (BREAK)

This song is on the break side of things for two reasons and two reasons only. One, it is overplayed I don't care what you think and two, the music video is not that great. The preteen in me can't fathom the idea of me actually disregarding a Jonas Brother's song as part of a playlist, but it has to be done. Overplaying a song ruins it no matter how great it actually is.

10. "Call You Mine" ((with Bebe Rexha) - The Chainsmokers (MAKE)

The Chainsmokers' music never fails to be something that finds its way onto everyones playlist. The beat to this song is interesting and catchy making it the perfect song to jam out to. It may not be the most upbeat song out there, but it is definitely windows down, road trip playlist worthy.

11. "Mother's Daughter" - Miley Cyrus (BREAK)

All I'm going to say is that Miley has come out with greater hits than this one. If we were discussing "Party in the U.S.A." this would be completely different, but we aren't.

12. "Blessed" - Thomas Rhett (MAKE)

So this one is probably going to be a little controversial for two reasons; 1) it's country and 2) it's slower paced. Well, as far as the first one goes, to me, summer is country music. Also, while it may be a slower paced song it is really relaxing and is perfect for those late nights just chilling around a bonfire. Not to mention, there always needs to be a song that gets you in your feelings on every playlist.

13. "Falling Like the Stars" - James Arthur (BREAK)

I have nothing against James Arthur, heck there was a time during my freshman year of college where he was all that I listened to, but at the end of the day this song just doesn't make the cut. It's not a bad song, and I would listen to it, it just isn't the best fit for the ultimate summer playlist.

14. "Alright (Frick It)" - Judah & the Lion (MAKE)

When I listen to this song I can't help but smile. It's super upbeat and just one of those songs that you can't help but sing along to. Whether you're going on a cross country road trip or on an eight hour light back from Europe this is one of those songs that makes the entire sitaution.

15. "nightmare" - Halsey (BREAK)

For starters, this song starts out very odd in my own personal opinion. After that I just can't get into the song. The beat is really the only saving grace for this song. I'm all for the female empowerment Halsey is going for her, but I'm just not into the song.

16.  "Don't Worry Bout Me" - Zara Larson (MAKE)

As with most of the other songs on the make side of this list, the beat to this song is a winner for me. It makes me want to dance and is just the right mix between slow and upbeat that it's fitting for the summer lifestyle. Also, Zara Larson is an incredible artist. Not to mention, this song is the anthem for all of the strong, independent singles this summer.

Well, there you have it. These are the bops I will be jamming to this summer. What songs have found their way onto your summer playlist? I'd love to know because as an avid Spotify member I'm always looking for new tunes!

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