A fun, warm season filled with trips to the beach, hangouts with friends, and those dreadful doctors' appointments you simply couldn’t fit in during the school year.
And yes, I know, procrastination is a strong skill for most college students, but everyone has to face their fears at some point - especially, the dentist.
These stages are for you brave souls, and your pearly whites...
The Small Talk with the Hygienist Stage
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*Inserts 95 tools in my mouth* Yes, now is the time for you to ask me how school is going, how my family is, if I have any pets, andwhat my social security number is. You know, the basics.
The "Do you floss?" Stage
Why yes, I do, but we all know you are going to scrape my gums until they bleed, and not believe me.
The "The dentist will see you now" Stage
Oh boy. Will I have a cavity? Will I not? This is the moment of truth.
The "Oh my god, I don't want to come back again next week" Stage
Please no cavities. Please no cavities. Please. No. Cavities.
The Self Diagnose and Reassure Myself Stage
Okay, so both the hygienist and the dentist haven’t said the 'C' word... cavity. Someone throw me my new toothbrush and start the car already, because that must mean I’m cavity free, right?
The "Thank God it's over!" Stage
See you in six months? More like see you never!
The Time To Look in the Mirror a Little Too Long Stage
Those little cracks, in between my teeth? I can see them?! And those ridges of my teeth? I can feel them?! I am the image of good oral hygiene.
The "Reward Me, Peasant!" Stage
Did you go to the dentist today? No, you didn’t?! Well I did, and I’ll have a chocolate milkshake and a large fry with that too, thank you.
The "Oh no, where did time go?!" Stage
I am never coming back here. I am never coming ba - wait, it’s been six months already?! How am I back here so soon?!
So, to all of you brave souls going to the dentist this summer, as dreadful it may be, you now know the drill (Pun intended, you're welcome). Your smile is worth it, and when in doubt, just think about that delicious milkshake. I know you can do it.