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5 Movies to Watch on a Rainy Day This Summer

No school, sunshine, the beach, and memories to last a lifetime.

5 Movies to Watch on a Rainy Day This Summer

No school, sunshine, the beach, and memories to last a lifetime. These are some common tropes that come with the days of summer that make the long, cold, winter months almost worth it. But sometimes the sun doesn't come out until tomorrow and you need something to pass the time. Here are 5 of my favorite movies to keep you in the summer spirit even if the outdoors reflect the opposite.

5. Wet Hot American Summer

This summer camp-themed flick stars many of today's biggest celebrities in some of their first major roles. Bradley Cooper, Amy Poehler, Elizabeth Banks, and Paul Rudd are just a few of the A-list celebs in this raunchy take on the summer camp genre. With 80s vibes and parody all around, this is the perfect movie to keep you in the summer spirit. Be sure to check out the Netflix prequel and sequel series too!

4. Dirty Dancing

"Nobody puts baby in the corner" might be why you recognize this title but there is so much more to Dirty Dancing than that iconic line. If you love to feel nostalgic for summer in the 80s, this 1987 film is the perfect source to feed into that desire. Starring Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Gray you are sure to 'have the time of your life' while watching.

3. The Parent Trap (1998)

Two Lindsay Lohans plus one Dennis Quaid plus one Natasha Richardson equals one of my favorite summer flicks. When twins Annie and Hallie (Lohan) meet each other at summer camp they decide to switch places in order to get their parents back together. To say this movie is an iconic one for my generation is an understatement. After all these years I still squirm at the infamous ear piercing scene.

2. Caddyshack

If you are lucky enough to belong to a country club, you probably spend a fair amount of your summer hitting the links or relaxing by the pool. But if not, no worries. This movie will satisfy your desire to belong to a country club and at the same time parody everyone who is fortunate enough to belong to one. From Bill Murray blowing up pesky gophers, Chevy Chase being an overtly obnoxious golfer, and Rodney Dangerfield having almost too much fun enjoying the club driving the director, Ted Knight, nearly insane, this classic is packed with humor from start to finish.

1. Jaws

Although this movie will most likely cause you to not want to go to the beach anytime soon, it's significance in cinema history is too important to ignore. Often cited as the 'first summer blockbuster,' this Steven Spielberg classic about a shark terrorizing a coastal community is a triumph from start to finish. But I would recommend not visiting the lake anytime soon after watching.

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