5. Spider-Man: Far From Home | The Odyssey Online
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7 Summer Movies That I'm Throwing My Money At The Moment School Ends

I've been watching trailers all spring in preparation for this marathoning.

7 Summer Movies That I'm Throwing My Money At The Moment School Ends

I love watching movies and I'm fairly confident that my love for storytelling has come from the amount of movies I've watched. I get all psyched when I come to the theater, smell the butter popcorn, and sit down in questionably sanitary seats.

The best time I had watching movies was when I was a student at UCLA and I got to watch in both the Fox Theater and the UCLA Bruin Theater. Seeing the Regency Theaters theme and intro play at the start, and seeing images of Hollywood and Westwood (which was literally out the front doors), was incredibly humbling. The fact that I was there to write and I could just step out into the streets where it all began was excitement-inducing.

However, unfortunately, especially in the last year since I started working, I have been to only a couple movies in the theaters and I need to go and watch some ASAP. This is where the summer and the last week of school come in.

Next week is the last week of school and I already know that I am going to deeply miss my students, who will head to their next levels of education next year. The silver lining to this incredibly bittersweet ending (during which I will weep profusely and with wild abandon) is that I will finally get the time I've been craving to cram in as many summer releases as possible. I've been watching the multiple trailers on YouTube just for this.

I've either been anticipating sequels or been incredibly ready to watch movies made by people that I respect wholeheartedly and have been waiting for another work of art from. If you're just as antsy to get some films under your belt, or just want something to fill the long (and I think boring) summer months, this may be a great place to start.

1. Late Night


Mindy Kaling and Emma Thompson: name a better duo and I won't wait because you literally can't. They're both hilarious, intelligent, and so incredibly well-respected as actors and writers that I can't help but be shaking in anticipation. It's all about writing, late night, and friendship. So, basically, someone took a look in my dream journal and that someone in Mindy Kaling, and thank you, thank you for making this.

2. Men in Black International


Tessa Thompson and Chris Hemsworth are another amazing pairing, as well (Not quite as great as Kaling-Emma Thompson, but that's a high bar).

I watched the movies as a kid and once again as an adult, this time fully appreciating the madness that is the MIB movies, and I am completely reading to fling my cash at this installment, too.

3. Toy Story 4


The words I'll write to describe my feelings for this wouldn't do this movie or the FEELS that I'm feeling any justice. So, I'll just leave it at this: I can't wait to see 'lil Luxo again.

4. Yesterday


Danny Boyle, who previously made Trainspotting and Slumdog Millionaire, has a newer release coming out this summer. Since I've enjoyed his other movies, I can't wait to experience this one, as well.

5. Spider-Man: Far From Home


Okay, so, Endgame has me all shook and ready for the new Spider-Man takes Europe movie and the introduction of new characters to my favorite spidey universe(s). Nothing much to say other than bring on the Parker in Paris vibes now!

6. The Lion King


I legit cried when I watched this trailer in theater for the first time, when I saw Endgame. The music, the dialogue, and the nostalgic Disney-movie magic hit me square in the heart, and now I can't wait to be a blubbering mess in July.

7. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark


If you grew up reading horror, especially around Halloween (which, I will always maintain, is the truly most wonderful time of the year), then you know the magic and power of the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark series. Frankly, I can't do horror movies compared to books, which I consume morbidly, but I might just allow myself to be dragged to the theater for this one.

I'm not sure that I'm going to be able to watch all of these movies, but if I can, at least, catch a couple of them then my summer would have been worth it. If you can't tell, I enjoy summer weather as much as any sane human loves dripping with sweat from the sweltering heat of the sun or feeling the very real, very intrusive pressure that you aren't doing enough with your life.

But, if only just for a moment, you can step into the cool AC of a theater nearest to you then you can forget about life for an hour or two.

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