The second it turns above fifty degrees, my mind goes straight to summer. As a born and raised Chicago girl, let me tell ya that the winters are brutal. All year long I count down to the short period of summer, and I am so beyond excited that being in college means I have an extra month to enjoy the sunshine rather than being stuck in a classroom all day. So if you need a little extra motivation to get through this last push before finals, here are some things to look forward to about #summerszn.
Not being judged for eating ice cream everyday
Personally, I don't discriminate between the seasons, but the amount of ice cream consumption definitely increases in the summer.
I have been attending and/or working at summer camp since I was three years old. Camp is the highlight of my year, and I love every second of my time with my little kiddos. No, I am not ready to grow up yet.
Rolling down the windows and blasting country music
But people who only like country music in the summer are the worst kind of people.
Wearing sunglasses and using them as an excuse to not pay attention to people
And feeling like a badass while doing it.
Being able to walk your dog outside and not get frostbite
The only time I ever will volunteer to do it.
Saying you're going to start reading and never actually do

I read the first page and that's about it.
Big Brother

The second summer starts means that it's time for my favorite reality show and for the endless watch parties to begin. After one of the best years yet, I have HIGH expectations for BB21.
Using the heat and being sweaty as an excuse to not work out

So if I already sweat, I don't need to go to the gym, right?
Going to the playground and pretending you're a child again
Monkey chips? No one!
If you know, you know.
Stuffing your winter coat and Uggs into the closet and pretending you'll never have to wear them again
Yeah, that'll last til about mid-September. But we don't need to talk about that right now.
As much as I'm going to miss school, summertime is my favorite of the year, so I plan to not wish it away. I hope some of these things got you as excited as I am and ready as ever to soak up the sunshine. But, sadly, in the meantime, it's time to grind.