Its Summer of 2017, it's 5 AM in the morning you're half asleep but you hear Maia's alarm ringing. Minutes later Maia wakes up to turn off her alarm. Only to find out she only snoozed it when It goes off again 5 minutes later. You feel the cool air of the AC that's at 16 degrees Celcius. You step onto the cold marble floor & you immediately put on your shoes so that my feet wouldn't turn black walking on it. You look outside and it's a smoggy morning, you can just barely see the top of the tower because of all the smog. You can feel the heat radiating from the caged window. Olivia currently in the shower. I get my showers stuff ready so that nobody else beat me to the shower. Shower sandals are on, I run to the shower and bump my knee on the uninstalled water heater that's been here for weeks. I walk in and the shower is flooded, but it's fine, everything is fine. I turn to my right and there is black mold dripping from the cabinets. I turn the cold water on and shower quickly and run out with my microfiber towel on. I get dressed. Today, I'm feeling the black old navy drawstring shorts with my grey pocket tee. I walk out to find that Olivia is wearing the same outfit as me. But it's ok because Carly & Maia ended up wearing same tan decathlon skirts. They're both on the semi-soft sofa doing their morning quiet time. I smell the smell of peanut butter oatmeal & cheap french pressed coffee. It's all in the small bowls with matching mugs. None of those really appeal to me so I grab a pack of belvitas cookies and I go back to my rock hard bed. I throw in my laundry in the machine, it was that time of the week. I start my quiet time and open up to Acts. God's been teaching me a lot lately. I have my Spotify Christian playlist playing quietly in the background. It's crazy how worship can speak so much truth to you so quickly. My phone just dinged, I look at it and see that it's out Pizza Money group chat. The boys are on their way and they asked if we want anything from McDonald's for breakfast. Of course, I do get me a sausage and cheese muffin with a coffee. I was midway through my reading when I heard banging on the front door. It's the guys. Mikey walks in and says "whats up ladies." I know it's almost time to start our day. Conrad hands over the coffee that's in a plastic bag, and the breakfast sandwich. We are missing a coffee so Maia decides to give her's up to Conrad. Ben goes & sits on the couch and starts peeling the bottom of his feet. I look over and my laundry water is spilling over the ground. I run to grab the tube and squat and aim the tub towards the pink bucket. It's an hour before noon & we all strap up our chaos. Except for Carly and Rubin. Carly throws on her crocs, and Ryan his Hotwind Burks. I stop in the bathroom to spray myself with our green tea perfume for that Japanese store in the mall. They all start a discourse on whether coffee pits is fact or fiction; along with a discourse on whether cheap coffee is the best coffee. I throw on my earphone and the song despacito comes on. Everyone walks out. I run around the apartment to get my things together. I throw them all in my sweat-drenched backpack and run out. The second I run out I notcie the cool air of our apartment changes to suffocating humidity. Thank you God for another day, I know you'll do great things today.