So, in middle school and even most of high school, summer was everything. You counted down the days until you were done with school and you got to spend every day sleeping until noon, lounging outside and just having fun with your friends.
One day, your parents stop giving you money every time you want to go out and "recommend" you get a job. So you go out and apply everywhere you can until someone finally hires you even though you can only work for about three months. Now, there is no chance that you are sleeping until noon, you are most likely awake earlier than you were when going to school. You go into work for somewhere around eight hours a day, five days a week, to make somewhere around $8 an hour.
When you actually have a day off, you try to plan something awesome to do but really you just want to sleep in and sit around all day. You spend all your time trying to make money just to not have any time or energy to spend it. And, really, you're so insanely lucky if you and your friends actually all have the same day off.
Honestly, your job most likely isn't that bad. You make friends, you make decent money and you have some fun. Even if that fun is bitching about your job to your coworkers. You develop some needed skills - like being able to deal with just about anyone because summer jobs will teach you that everyone is an idiot - and you can beef up your resume a little bit. So it's not all bad.
But you do really miss that summer isn't summer anymore. You are probably doing more work in the summer than you were during the school year. And you start to finally reach the end of your time at the job just to go right back into school.
This is apparently being an adult or at least kind of an adult. This is your first taste of not having a summer and working all year long, just like our parents do. Remember when we used to wish for these days? So, you spend time wishing you could go back to your carefree summers on the beach or by the pool while you're actually stuck being a cashier or server or whatever job you were lucky enough to get. Summer isn't what it used to be and it sucks. I don't have any great "this is why you should love your summer job" kind of point to this. I'm just letting you know that we all go through it, we all hate it, and we aren't alone.
So here's to the summer jobs we are suffering through. Maybe one day I will actually thank you, but today is not that day.