From a young age, having your own money, was the best feeling ever. You were able to buy whatever your heart desired, with a parental watch of course. You are now growing up and wanting money to get gas, but new clothes, fresh kicks, food and way more. In order to that, you might want to get a 9 to 5. You will be giving up some time with your boo and the weekend movies, but getting paid every 2 weeks will be worth it.
You don't have to get a job when you are 16/17, you can start early, with responsibilities in the house. You can do everyday household necessities. Like taking the trash out, washing a few clothes, sweeping and moping and do a lemonade stand. This should earn you a couple dollars, but if you put that away for a rainy day, you will have more than you started out with.
Ages 13-15, jobs are limited, but you can do car washes, babysit, dog sit, work on your family farm or any business, mow the grass, and make homemade treats and sweets. When you hit that sweet 16, you are ready. You hear me, you have so much opportunity ahead of you. You are able to apply to fast food restaurants, grocery stores as a bagger or stocker and then move up, tutoring to younger students, amusement parks, a lifeguard (at age 15 as well) and sometimes a personal assistant.
After getting experiences managers will see you as a great addition to their company. So having all these great skills under your belt is beneficial. Some other things I know that are beneficial, of having a summer job is you will not procrastinate as much, you will learn how to save and learn time management. You are getting paid for the hard work you are doing and learning every day how to deal with customers. You are meeting new faces on a daily basis and depending on what company you are working for, you may get a discount.
Before you think of applying, type your resume and cover letter or update it. Always bring it when you attend interviews so they see how determined you are to start working. You might get lucky and start on your birthday. Never say no to "Do you have any questions?". Ask "How will I be trained?", "How long have employees been working with this company?", or "What are the career paths in this company?". 50/50, asking questions will up your chance of getting that postilion.
It is okay to have a day to chill with your bae, hang with friends, have family dinners, and pamper yourself. It is also okay to make money and stay on the right track to reach whatever goal you are wanting to reach. Let a summer job be your bae.. you will be so happy and free!!