We all know the grueling process of finding a job for the summer. Giving your name out to so many applicants, and having only a few of them respond back. If you are lucky enough to find a summer job, here are reasons why it'll be better than any 9 to 5 sitting at a desk all day for the rest of your life job that you may have in the future
2. Which means you'll be able to say goodbye to those coworkers you hate
You know the ones I'm talking about, those who don't actually do any work.
3. It's also easier to bond with them
I don't know what it is about only having to deal with coworkers for a short time that makes them easier to get along with, but I'm thankful for it.
4. You'll have extra cash for the school year
I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it.
5. You can possibly put your foot in the door for a more permanent job someday
If it's possible to get experience for your future career, go for it!
6. Summer is a busy time of year, so you may be able to get extra hours
Which sounds awful, until you get that paycheck.
7. Days off in the summer are awesome
What's better than spending a day at the pool while everyone else has to work?
8. Using the excuse "Sorry I have to work" and actually meaning it
Sometimes you just REALLY don't want to go to that event, and now you don't have to!
9. You have lots of options
Lots of jobs are looking for extra help in the summer, so chances are, they'll hire you if they like you!
10. You can get customer service experience
Retail=customers (c'mon that's first grade math)
11. It's much better than doing nothing all summer
Would you rather spend the next three months being a couch potato, or making some bucks? Yeah, that's what I thought. Chances are you won't be spending every day at the beach or traveling the world.
I know your summer job may seem exhausting and never-ending, but it is only temporary. Plus, it has so many benefits that you may not be able to see now, but trust me, they exist.