It's just past the dog days of summer and these August days seem to get hotter and hotter. Although summer is in full swing, here are some things I'm sure everyone is getting excited about for move-in and the start of a new school year!
1. Freedom.
For all of the incoming freshmen, this one will really hit you hard. You'll unpack everything, hit up the cafeteria real quick and then lie down on your freshly made bed and think "Okay, now what?" The opportunities are endless. You can literally do whatever you want at any time of the day or night. Make sure to take full advantage of every moment. Learn more about yourself, find out what you like and what you don't like. Explore and meet people. Don't be afraid of your situation, it's new and exciting!
If you are an upperclassmen you're probably just excited to get out of your hometown again. You've been probably done with it since about the beginning of June and can't wait to get back to campus and to your friends. And if you're anything like me, you're excited to not have a curfew again.
2. Happy Routine
Although summer is a time to relax and have fun, sometimes it may feel like you are wasting your life at a job or internship or by the poolside. To get back to school means getting back to the happy routine of school, work, activities, etc. Planning your week around sorority or club meetings, exams and work make you feel like an actual member of society and most of it is fun to do too!
3. Judgement-free Netflix binges
I always feel guilty when my mom comes down for work at 4:30am and I'm still watching "Grey's Anatomy" on Netflix. Once you get back on campus, no one can judge you except for yourself!
4. Campus
Campus has a special place in my heart and every time I am there for work during the summer, it feels a little odd for it to be so dead. Once the semester starts again campus will pick up and be the little home away from home for all the students there.
5. (this one's a bit nerdy, but...) Learning
I know this one may seem a bit little out of left field, but we all are going to college to hopefully become something greater than we are now. We are going to better ourselves and make our dreams a reality (or something like that). Even though going to class isn't always everyone's favorite thing to do, it is getting us a step closer to our careers. If you love your major, then you probably like learning new things about it too!
6. Friends!
Last but not least, the people. I don't know about you but when I moved back home in May I realized how much time I spent around other people. I felt like I had to readjust to being by myself and relying on myself to have fun. Getting to be around the people you love again is one of the best things about starting a new semester!
Have a great rest of your summer and good luck to a happy and successful new school year!