When you've consumed more coffee in one week than the entire semester combined because of finals, the only thought that keeps you going is that of summer. We put off studying to make a mental list of all the great things we're going to accomplish in the next three months. But every summer it seems that we fall short of all the legendary, life-altering ideas we had in mind. Here's a short list of our expectations vs. realities.
1. This summer i'm going to travel.
2. This summer for sure I'll get my summer bod.
3. This summer my friends and I will go on rad adventures.
4. This summer I'll get a cool summer job that pays well.
5. This summer I'll go to all the best concerts and parties.
6. This summer I won't have any responsibilities, I'll get to sleep in and do whatever I want.
7. This summer I'll spend at least 90% of my time beach side with a hunk next to me.
8. This summer will be the best one yet.