Some of you may remember my rant about my Spring Semester. Well, here I am again and I think I spoke way too soon.
Let me just be the first to say: Don't EVER take six classes in the summer semester.
You will find yourself questioning why you're even bothering to get a higher education and even worse, you'll question how intelligent you really are.
I may not be the smartest person in the world, but my goodness did I feel like the dumbest person on earth. Most summer classes, as you may know, can last anywhere from six to approximately thirteen weeks. If you have a six-week course, good freaking luck trying to read six chapters in less than two days.
I'm not here to talk trash about classes, but I am here to help you realize how much your mind and body can take. I know I took way too many classes this semester and I probably should've planned a bit better, but it's the thought of having to lengthen the amount of time you have left that really makes you nervous. It makes me nervous.
So along with my anxiety to finish and my already-full schedule, I embarked on the worst six to thirteen-week adventure with nothing but my mind, my dignity, and the small sliver of intelligence. Too bad I was ill-equipped.
All I'm trying to say is that we may think we know how much we can take, but sometimes it's better to slow things down instead of trying to rush them. I learned that if I ever take another summer semester, I'll try to do one or two classes at most. Never again will I test my patience and self-respect like this again. Heed my warning, for your own sake.