Everyone who goes to college knows that summer classes are sometimes necessary. Whether it be because you are trying to get ahead, or you are trying to catch up, summer classes are helpful. But let me also tell you that they are five weeks of school boot camp and they will kick your butt into shape, and the "Orange is the New Black" cast always understands the struggle.
1. When people ask you why you decided to take a summer class.
2. When your professor asks you questions on the first day, because you should have already read through chapter one in your textbook.
3.When your professor says the textbook is necessary for the class, even though we all know it isn't.
4.When your professor says the final is optional.
5. When you know the exam is really hard but you didn't study and your parents ask why.
6.Or when you study really hard for an exam, and still somehow manage to get an F.
7. When you walk out of the class after your final for the last time.
See you in a month or two, have a great summer.