The television show “The Office” has taken over peoples TV’s all throughout America. From Michael Scott’s inappropriate jokes to Jim Halpert's pranks on Dwight to Angela and Dwights ongoing love story, this show is entertaining to many. One character in particular that is sometimes overlooked yet has some of the funniest moments, is the “hot popular” girl in the office who’s always begging for attention. Her dramatic attitude perfectly describes how we feel during our summer classes.
1. When you walk into class on the first day and see your best friend there.
This might actually make this class go by faster, right?
2. When your professor is going through the syllabus and you forgot that you will still be assigned homework even though it's summer.
Summer means fun and joy, why must you assign loads of unnecessary work.
3. When your professor is done explaining an assignment that is going to last the duration of the semester.
Sometimes, I'm not sure if professors understand that when they give us these big projects and assignments, that THEY'RE going to be the ones stuck inside grading all of them.
4. When you realize this is a 16-week class crammed into six weeks so you’re practically a genius.
I'm just going to pretend that the professor didn't slim down the class and that I am an over achiever.
5. When you have a group assignment to do and your group falls through so you end up doing it all.
You know what makes it even better? When the group gets the same grade so they take that A from you and get all of the credit. That's my favorite.
6. Thinking about the four hour lecture you’re about to sit through instead of enjoying summer with your friends.
This is an actual representation of me sitting in my car before the walk of shame into the building.
7. But then you get out of class early and catch up with your friends.
Do you like my happy dance?
8. When it’s near the end of the semester and you have 2 papers due and an exam on the same day.
At this point, I really think the professor is trying to kill me.
9. Walking out of class on the last day and finally starting your summer vacation.
Although summer classes can make your workload during the year less, or even help you graduate early/on time, you will always find students complaining. Thank you Kelly Kapoor for bringing some laughter to the terrible thought of summer classes. Tune in to your local Netflix account to see Kelly Kapoor in action and the rest of the cast. I promise they will make your bad days, better.