When SpongeBob is as energetic as the common summer camper, it seems fitting to have him accurately describe summer camp.
Take it away, SpongeBob!
1. Getting all settled into your cabin on the first day.
Because who doesn't want to spend the next week in bunk beds with strangers?
2. Writing letters to friends trying to explain funny happenings of the day to them.
They will simply never get it. They just had to be there.
3. Constantly having to put on sunscreen in fear of burning, yet hoping to still tan.
Then celebrating when you see your pale skin at the end of the day.
4. Getting ready to perform at the talent show.
What do you mean, we have to perform something?
5. Then actually performing your act.
I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready.
6. Finally making it to the cafeteria after a busy day.
Aw, sweet, pulled pork for dinner!
7. Getting your dance moves just right for the campfire songs.
And bring it around town.
8. Singing at the top of your lungs when your favorite campfire song comes on.
Let's gather 'round the campfire and sing our campfire song.
9. Leaving camp at the end of summer.
We'll write to each other every day! It'll be fine. We'll still be best friends, because we have our friendship bracelets.