Summer Break: The Fun-Loving YouTube Reality Series | The Odyssey Online
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Summer Break: The Fun-Loving YouTube Reality Series

There's finally a reality show that peers into another group's glamorous reality while still having that relatable factor.

Summer Break: The Fun-Loving YouTube Reality Series

As the Kardashians hold the world's realest crystal ball in their freshly manicured, Armenian hands while "The Real Housewives" swarm any and all forms of social media and entertainment news, it is no question that reality TV has reached its highest peak. Although "Jersey Shore" proved to be a ridiculously entertaining success within the reality genre, very few teens/young adults, the largest percentage of reality tv's viewers, could exactly view the lives of the fist and drink throwing Guidos/Guidettes as "reality." On the other hand, what makes "reality" TV so popular amongst this young generation is that it allows people to enter and experience someone else's so-called "reality" that also happens to be semi-glamorous and entertaining. If only there could be a show that peered into teens' captivating reality while still having that relatable factor. Oh wait....there is.

"Summer Break," a reality series on YouTube, serves as "Laguna Beach"'s prodigy as it follows a group of teens around Southern California and catches every drop of gossip, drama, laughter, fun and tears. Their actual reality of living in the sunshine and consistent beautiful weather of Santa Monica makes viewers escape into an oceanic paradise. Female viewers will especially fall into utter jealously over the girl cast's fashion sense, as I myself wish I could have/afford even a fraction of their wardrobes. However, teens will form a digital bond with members of the cast as they experience confusion over hook-ups, dating versus "things" with the members of the opposite sex, and tested friendships. High school upperclassmen and even college freshman will form a deeper connection with Summer Breakers as they face the excitement and fear that comes along with leaving for college, starting a new chapter in a new part of the world, and being separated from the comfort of life-long friends.

Currently on its third season, Summer Break will migrate with these young adults as they travel around Cali, struggle with friendships and exes, and say their final goodbyes before their collegiate years. Each cast member has his/her own morals, way of thinking, personalities, and goals, as explained in his/her "Bio" on "Summer Break"'s YouTube Channel. As each and every cast member is given the opportunity to express themselves and project their confidence, "Summer Break" teaches teens to embrace their independence and individuality on a much more personal level. Viewers can even follow deeper into the lives of Dash, Jacob, Ava S, Ava L, Sofia, Yahn, Shea, Noah, ARad, Justin, and Haley through their social media accounts on Twitter and Instagram.

Indulge into the lives of these young and fun-loving Southern Californians as they surf through their final summer together before everything changes. New episodes are posted to their YouTube channel every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Check it out @SummerBreak.

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