Summer is a season that America turns into an amazing three month holiday. I thought I would explain this phenomenon using my mentor and teacher in life. I have looked up to this spunky fellow since I was a young child. I would waste hours watching his TV show long after my mother had told me screen time was over. Spongebob has helped me through some trying times. Maybe he can help explain summer, and the many emotions that come along with it.
Almost any student begins to prepare themselves for this up and coming time with workouts and the concept of purposefully burning your skin to a golden crisp using harmful Ultra Violet rays also know as tanning.
For most students, the end of the year is filled with stress and difficult tests or projects. All of the preparation and planning gets tossed aside as we prepare to ruin our health and accept our impending academic death.
If we survive the final weeks of the academic year (the survival rate is very high if you were worried) then we run away and try not to look back.
Once we finally make it out, many students go into a hibernation which includes becoming a blanket burrito in our childhood beds, hiding from the world, and reliving the mistakes we may have made in the last nine months.
Eventually we emerge for sustenance. We must now eat anything and everything. Cafeteria food is no longer our only option. We no longer have to eat for survival, but we can now eat for enjoyment!
We begin to reconnect with the humans who once cared for us in the beginning portion of our lives.
Then we realize that with so much time on our hands we should do something meaningful! But it needs to be something that will help us in the long run. A job! We need a job so that we can save money and use it when we think we might die of food poisoning in the school cafeteria. Perfect!
As we comb through the search results for "top ten summer job ideas for a college student," it seems like it will be a breeze. We are getting a higher education. If we can survive a Bio-chem final we can flip a burger!
After working for a while we feel like we are doing great! This is just a fantastic time, but the humans who gave us life think otherwise. We get questioned about every minuscule decision we make. Do they not realize we have cared for ourselves for nine months? We soon dip into our summer pay that we were saving. We need out of the house and if we are trying to get away from the angry humans than we cannot make them pay. But it will be fine! Summer is meant to be a fun time.
After a few weeks of the angry humans who take claim over us, using up all of our money, and having so much free time we don't know what to do with ourselves, we realize we want to go back. We miss our friends, our tiny uncomfortable bed, the agonizing 8 a.m. classes sounds like a great time filler and even the cafeteria food sounds good!
In the end we survive the three months away from each other and start our count down to summer again in August.