In a recent article, I talked about living away from home this summer for the first time and having to do all of these new things on my own. This change definitely made me scared and nervous about not having my parents around all the time, and just how to be an adult. Adulting is hard. Recently I have been reading through this devotional book called "100 Days To Brave," and I have learned so much about myself and about being brave with God.
In today's society, we let people label us, our friends, and people we don't even know. More times than not, these labels are not true and they do not reflect who we really are. This is because God has already said who we are, and who God says we are is all that matters. We learn to treat ourselves and each other properly when we start believing in who God says we are and not what other people say we are. These labels, these lies are not what we should let define us.
God's word, the Bible, is the truth that sets us free. When we start to believe in the truth, we start to gain more courage about ourselves. Jesus knew the truth, and he spread it and believed in it! Whenever Satan would offer something to Jesus he would always respond with scripture. The Bible is true! It is our choice to believe in the truth or not, but know that when you start to believe in the truth you will be able to live openly, love openly, and speak openly! Once we start doing those things our insecurities will get quieter, our worries will get lighter, and our hearts will be fuller.
Matthew 4:4 says:
Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."
What God says and has said about us, is already set. It is the truth and nothing else. God wants the best for us and He loves us so what reason does He have to lie to us? What reason do we have to not believe in His word? God brings truth like a waterfall.
Repeat this:
"I believe I am who God says I am."
Repeat that as many times as it takes for you to actually start believing in who God says you are and who God has made you to be. None of the other lies and labels you believe about yourself are true, and they never will be! Our identity is in Jesus, our identity is not in what other people say we are.