Summer is my favorite time of year. In the south, summer can also be a miserable season. It's hot, humid, and there are insects everywhere. With temperatures staying in the 90s and the mugginess, many people look ahead to fall. But I don't mind the heat, because summer is more of a feeling, more of a state of mind for me. It reminds me of some of the happiest times of my life.
Summer reminds me of childhoods spend outside in the tiny inflatable pool my family had. I remember water gun and water balloon wars with the kids in my neighborhood. Fourth of July meant fireworks or block parties. My parents told me to come home when the sun went down, so the long summer days meant more hours to play. And when it was too hot or rainy to be outside, I would curl up with a pile of books that I had borrowed from the local library.
Halfway through high school, I started my first job as a lifeguard at a YMCA pool. This was one of the best jobs I have ever had. I spent countless hours at the pool each year. Days were spent watching over the pool or scraping bee stingers out of children, fellow guards, or myself. When afternoon thunderstorms rolled in, the guards would order pizza and pull out the deck of cards. Mornings after a storm involved scooping frogs out of the skimmers. Summer was a time for me to be active, I was always swimming or cycling. I think I will always look back on those summers as some of the best times of my life.
When I think of summer, I think back on these happy memories of lifeguarding and my childhood. I also think about some of the other amazing things I have experienced in the summertime. I love attending concerts, and there are so many during this part of the year. One of my absolute favorite concerts was Tame Impala in Maryland. It was at an outdoor venue and a rainstorm started after the opening band finished their set. My friends and I danced in the pouring rain with hundreds of other people to great music. While walking back to the parking lot, I slipped on a slick of grass and fell in the mud and I didn't even mind. The next day, we drove to DC and explored.
Summer road trips are another thing I love about this season. The beach is one of my favorite places in the world, and there's no better way to spend a hot summer day than by the water. I love the feeling of the sun on my skin and then diving into a cooler body of water.
There are things about this time of year that I do complain about. But it will always be my favorite time of year. The transition into summer always feels magical to me. It's more than just a season, it's memories to reflect on and memories to be made.