So, here you are: the summer before your senior year. These last three years have flown by, and there is only one year left to go. Lately, you've been getting sentimental about your time in college, because you are realizing how your time there is winding down. These last three years have been the best years of your life! You made friends for life, joined Greek life, made friends with faculty and in general, you just feel at home at your college. You feel right there, and you are starting to realize that you won't be there in the near future. You will be graduating soon and moving onto more "adultier" things, like an actual grown-up job or maybe you are continuing onto grad school. You won't (hopefully) still be working your fast-food or some other job you worked at during college. There is always the fear that you will have a hard time finding a job in your major and whether or not you will get into grad school. Don't let your last summer before you graduate go to waste. Do what makes your happy!
1. Go on adventures with your friends!
This doesn't mean spending thousands of dollars — you are still a college student, after all. You can plan something that you all can afford that is still fun! You can go on a road trip to places you all have always wanted to go: camping, go to a concert, explore a city, really doing anything with your friends will be a fun adventure. This will be your last summer to go on adventures with your friends, as you will soon all go your separate ways in life.
2. Spend time with family!
Your family has been there since the day you were born. After you graduate, you will eventually move out and see your family less and less. So, appreciate the time you have now and don't take it for granted. As we get older, so do our parents.
3. Relax!
Relax and spend time doing what makes you happy. You don't want to be stressed out before the year even starts.
4. Find a summer job that you love!
If you hate your previous summer job, find a new one. I did! Find something that you won't hate going to every day. This goes for jobs after you graduate, as well. You will want to find something that you will be happy working at for 50 years.
5. Save money.
There are numerous ways to save money, by putting a certain amount back from every check you receive. I usually save most of my checks and only spend what I need to. You will need to have quite a bit saved for after you graduate. This amount will differ depending on what you are planning on doing. So, the more you will need, the more you will need to save. Loans will start six months after you graduate if you don't go straight to grad school.
Once senior year comes, cherish every moment! Before you know it, you will be walking across that stage to receive your diploma.