You are sitting in you senior math class a week prior to graduation, daydreaming about your picture-perfect summer: Hanging out with friends until all hours of the night, grad parties every weekend, tanning at the beach every day, picking and choosing the perfect decorations for your dorm, etc. I'm going to be quite honest with you now.... you will do some of those things, but you won't be partying every night and shopping for college is nothing short of STRESSFUL!!!
But fear not, upcoming freshies, here are 10 tips and tricks just for you!
1. Family time is very important!
Regardless of how far you will be going to school, it will be hard being away from the people that have loved you and cared for you since the day you were born. I know for me, not being near my family will by far be the hardest thing about college. Have those family dinners, hang out with your siblings if you are lucky enough to have one like I do. Maybe skip hanging with your friends for a night and show your family how much they mean to you by spending the night with them. Make memories that you can remember when you are feeling homesick at school.
2. Work!!! and save that precious cash.
Sorry to break it to you, but you're going to be a "broke college student" in just a few short months! Go get a fun summer job as a camp counselor, lifeguard, restaurant hostess, yoga studio receptionist, etc. and get that cash that you will so desperately need VERY soon. It will be worth missing a few nights out with friends when you have some spending money up at school.
3. Use the "but I'm leaving for college" line to your advantage.
Don't skimp on the puppy dog eyes either
A real conversation that happened in my backyard one night:
Me: Lets all go to the movies!
Sister: YES!!! INCREDIBLES 2!!!
Mom & Dad: Ugh not tonight please
Me: But.... I'm leaving for college in a month *intense puppy dog eyes*
Mom: Lets go to the movies *tearing up*
4. Find a college shopping list online.
The one I have attached is a tad overwhelming, but if you take the time to go through it and cross out the things that are just plain unnecessary, this list will help make your brain a little less scattered. This is the list I used and I can't tell you how great it was to keep track of what you still need and already have. Multiple times my mom would randomly stop in the middle of Bed, Bath, and Beyond and say, "YOU NEED A CAN OPENER", and I would just look at her calmly and tell her we bought one two weeks ago as I hand her the list.
5. Clean up your social media!
This sounds silly, but do you really want your new college friends seeing that old Instagram picture of you on a middle school field trip to Six Flags, wearing a batman a cape and one of those weird squid hats (or worse... a snapback)? NUFF SAID!
6. Learn the basics.
stitch is back... and my mood once again.
You are soon going to be living independently, this means your mom won't be there to help you out with "the basics". So, before you leave, learn how to do laundry, learn how to make some basic food, how to iron wrinkly clothing, vacuum, clean, manage your time, etc. This is IMPORTANT! You do not want to be standing in the laundry room of your dorm with a basket full of dirty clothes and no idea how to clean them. OR WORSE! Turn all of your white clothes pink because you didn't carefully sort out your clothes... yes you have to sort by colors.
7. Get a haircut.
Don't do it yourself... please...
This sounds silly... I know... But think about it, you're not gettin' one any time soon. In other words, your hair will be growing until you go home on break, so that hair is going to be very long! Now, I'm not saying you need to go drastic and cut 10 inches off your hair or get a completely new look but cut off the dead ends.
8. Pictures, pictures, pictures!
Take pictures of every adventure you go on, family members, friends, and cute animals you see. Pictures are great to look through and remember the great memories that go along with them. These pictures will also be great to decorate your dorm with!
9. Let it goooooooo!
Be like Elsa (my QUEEN)
Any problems you had with people.... let them go! Go into school with a clean slate and an open mind. Forget about the negative past, remember the good times. I'm not saying you have to physically go to these people and make piece, but don't hold a grudge on them anymore.
10. If you have pets... spend time with them!
The closer move-in day gets, the more emotional I get about leaving my dog. Instead of watching Netflix alone in your room, cuddle up with your furry friend and watch with them! Even if that means sitting on the floor. Take your dog to the park, or even to run errands with you (going to the bank, the drive-through of Starbucks, Petco, etc.). Spend as much time as possible with them because you are going to miss them and they are going to miss you... maybe even more.
Enjoy your summer, don't let it get away from you! Get excited about college, love the people around you, and prepare to begin the next chapter of your life.