It is getting to that point in the summer when we are all running out of ways to keep ourselves occupied. We have all gone to our fair share of backyard parties, some of us have been to concerts, and we have had countless days of driving around aimlessly trying to keep ourselves occupied and it is starting to become quite boring. There has to be some way to pull ourselves out of this slump that we seem to be falling into.
There are a few things that I like to sometimes do to spice up my summer a bit and I am hoping that maybe some of these ideas might be of some help to you as the reader sitting at home in this slump with no other ideas as to where to go from here.
1. Go on a hike
This is one of my favorite summertime activities. I grew up going to a sleep-away Girl Scout camp. Hiking was the most common activity, seeing as we were up in the mountains. There are so many different times of day to go hiking and so many different places to go. You just have to go out and search for them. Wake up early and go for a morning hike. Pack a good, nutritious breakfast to bring up the mountain with you and enjoy it when you get to your destination. Go on an afternoon hike with your friends and go discover some new beautiful view or path that you did not know existed before. Go on an evening hike, before the sun goes down, of course, and make sandwiches to eat for dinner. Go find a lake to go fishing at or just enjoy the view.
2. Have a beach day
Beach days are always a great idea when you and your friends are looking for something entertaining to do. Find a beach close to you that you enjoy going to, or even one you have never been to before, and drive down for the day. I know I always grab my morning coffee on my way down the shore when I am with my friends and then we head to our favorite beach. Bring a blanket and a good book to read and relax on the beach. Do not forget your sunscreen, though! Sunburn is never a fun thing. Believe me, I know.
3. Go see a movie
Looking to stay inside somewhere on this 90 degree day? Go catch a movie at your local movie theater. See what new movies are playing or go see something you have already seen five times and just enjoy seeing that much and go buy another ticket for it. Buy a large popcorn, a drink, and your favorite candy and go enjoy that movie!
There are so many other things that you could go and do, but these are just a few things I enjoy doing. I promise you that you can make your summer interesting. You just have to give new things a try.