Wonder Bar's Yappy Hour | The Odyssey Online
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15 Reasons To Visit The Jersey Shore This Summer

Beautiful beaches, the best food, and even greater people.

15 Reasons To Visit The Jersey Shore This Summer

Summer is approaching, its time to make plans! Visit the Jersey Shore to make your summer the best one.



Your classic beach town. Sit on the beach and then visit some of Belmars finest eateries. Grab a slice at 3 Brothers Pizza, and acai bowl at Stay Gold Cafe, or a burrito at 10th Ave Burrito.

Asbury Park

Tom Frandsen

There are countless things to do in Asbury, but the beach and boardwalk are perfect to get a tan, grab a drink, and do some shopping.

Summer Stage Stone Pony

Saloni Mehta

A summer essential. Bands such as Sublime, Dirty Heads, and many more play killer concerts at Stone Pony's summer stage in Asbury Park, NJ.


Julia Mortimer

An Atlantic Highland's gem. Early mornings after watching the sunrise at the beach. Nothing beats eating breakfast while looking out on the water.

Free Beaches

Julia Mortimer

It is getting increasingly more difficult to find free beaches, but when you do, its a gem! Hint hint...Monmouth Beach!

Asbury Lanes

Don't have anything to do with your Friday night? Go bowling and eat diner food with your friends!

Wonder Bar's Yappy Hour

Nichole Grimaldi

Yes, you heard me right. Yappy Hour is a special that the Wonder Bar holds on summer days for dog owners and their pups to mingle and enjoy a cold one.

Sandy Hook Sunsets & Beach Concerts

Lauren Mortimer

Sandy Hook is the place to go for that picture perfect sunset. They also hold beach concerts that you can enjoy with friends and family every Wednesday night! Sunset + live music = happiness.

Red Bank Movies & Jazz In The Park


Grab your favorite take-out food and head to Riverside Gardens Park for that classic movie or some smooth jazz to end that sunny summer day.

 Cape May

One of the most iconic beach towns along the Jersey coast. It is the best boardwalk, with deliciously famous restaurants, such as The Ugly Mug and The Mad Batter.

Inkwell Coffee House

Lauren Labarbera

Craving coffee and comfort food late at night? Inkwell is the place to be! They are open until 2:30 AM most nights so make some memories with your best friends. I recommend the Dutch blended coffee, they are known for it!



In the quint historic beach town of Ocean Grove lies Nagle's. An apothecary turned restaurant/ice cream shop. Lines wrap around the block for the best ice cream in town! What better way to cool off from the beach?

Manco N Manco Pizza


We all know the New York/ New Jersey areas are known to have the best pizza. One of those great spots is located on Ocean City's boardwalk. Can't go wrong with a great slice.

The Music Man

You've never eaten icecream like this! Enjoy your cone with interactive performances in Lavallette.

 Rook Coffee

Julia Grimaldi

Rook Coffee is known to serve the best cup of joe in Monmouth County. They are quickly opening up new locations, so if you ever find yourself along the jersey shore, run to the nearest Rook!

The Jersey Shore is a great place to visit if you want a fun weekend away. With wonderful beaches and great food, what else could you need for your summer to be the best one?

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