Summer is arguably the best time of the year, especially when you’re a student. No classes, no homework, and no responsibility. So naturally, pretty much every kid looks forward to the summer and makes a list of everything they want to do, whether it be mentally or physically (I have a note on my phone titled “Summer 2K17 Bucket List,” no shame). We all long for summer to arrive, but then when it finally does, somehow it never lives up to those high expectations we set for ourselves. Here are some of the most common things that happen in the summer that weren’t exactly on our bucket list.
Expectation: Going out with friends every weekend.
Reality: Only leaving your house once a month.
Expectation: Wearing tons of cute summer clothes.
Reality: Wearing the same T-shirt and athletic shorts every single day.
Expectation: Trying new makeup looks and hairstyles.
Reality: Only putting makeup on when absolutely necessary and not washing your hair for a few days at a time.
Expectation: Hanging out with your friends as much as possible.
Reality: Everyone having to work all the time.
Expectation: Finding a summer romance.
Reality: Spending your days watching other peoples’ love lives on Netflix shows instead of actually going out to meet guys.
Expectation: Doing productive things such as writing, posting articles, etc.
Reality: Having zero motivation to do anything whatsoever.
Expectation: Working out and maintaining that summer beach bod.
Reality: Snacking all day long.
Expectation: Going out whenever you feel like it.
Reality: Still having to ask your parents if you can go somewhere and have them drive you.
Expectation: Going to the beach weekly.
Reality: Never going to the beach once because it’s too far away, nobody can come, and you don’t want to pay for parking.
Expectation: To get SUPER tan.
Reality: Avoiding contact with the outside world and the sun at all costs.
Expectation: To have a really eventful and fun summer overall!
Reality: Binge watching Netflix, eating your weight in food, spending way too much time on social media, not leaving the house for weeks at a time, and before you now it, summer is over.