After midterms, fall break is supposed to be a relaxing time to see your family again and prepare for the rest of the semester - if you’re a smart person. If you’re me, you try to cram in as many visits and fun activities as you can. For instance, of the nine nights at home, I only slept in my house five nights. My bed still misses me. Oh well, the couches and sleeping bags were just as comfy. So let’s see if I can summarize my break and finish this blog before my train arrives to NYU. (School #3 on my tour of friends this week)
Stop #1: Rutgers
Attending a school that focuses more on basketball than football, I’ve been deprived of the college football experience. Luckily, my friend goes to Rutgers, which loves their football team, even when half the team is suspended and is having a bad season. My friend also got me into the student section, so I was able to enjoy all the chants dissing Penn State from up close. Unfortunately, I also saw the team blow a game against a highly ranked team from up close. That certainly put a damper on the evening. Plus, my friend had a bio midterm the next day, so I could not stay over. Rather than go back to my house, I went to somebody else’s house at 1 in the morning. He tried his hardest to not let me in, but I got in.
Stop #2: Boston
When I woke up the next morning, my friend and I immediately left to go to Boston to visit another friend. This is the middle of a 48 hour stretch of not seeing my parents. So much for reconnecting with family. Honestly, the drive up there wasn’t that bad, if you discount getting lost in New York State and getting a speeding ticket (That’s how I still made it in record time.) Anyway, Northeastern turned out to be a good time even though I got lost in Boston and slept on a carpet along the way. However, the resulting dust allergies were only the second biggest torture of the drive home. My most important traffic tip would be to not hit two different cities rush hour in the same day. I don’t even know how that happens, but I’m good at achieving the impossible. Hartford, Connecticut and the Tappan Zee Bridge are now my two least favorite places in America. Thank god that bridge is going down.
Stop #3: Nova friends
Since every college student and their sister is from New Jersey, I was able to hang out with some friends from Villanova this week. My neighbor invited me over, and unfortunately, I didn’t know that meant overnight. So, I had to slum it for the night in one set of clothes. Not that it matters. We did exactly what we would do at school, playing video games until we fell asleep. That made it eighteen hours without my family. Oh well.
Stop #4: Relaxation
On Wednesday, I managed to return to my average day during the summer: waking up at noon, playing video games and eating nachos. It was a very intellectual experience. I made friends with a few 8-year-olds who were yelling at me on Xbox.
Stop #5: Back to work
On Thursday, I went back to my summer job. I’m a caddy at a golf club, so I made some money while watching people play golf. Not a bad way to live, even if it was a five hour round.
Stop #6: NYU
My third visit to a school was to a friend at NYU, so I was able to incorporate my ability to get lost in NYC. Only I would end up going in the exact opposite direction on a subway train. But city campuses are full of life, and the authentic restaurants are the best there is. I’m still at NYU as I write this, so I’m going to preview my last weekend at home.
Stop #7: A busy Saturday
I actually made a Note on my phone for plans on Saturday. That’s how you know it’s busy. I’m supposed to hang out with my dad, but a surprising amount of people want to see me. That may lead me to pull an unfortunate Cat’s in the cradle. Qdoba is the ultimate lure for me to leave the house. (Speaking of, I had all of the five food I wanted to on fall break, in case you’re one of the ten people who read my articles). Somewhere between Qdoba, my father, and possible night plans, I will try to work in writing a midterm. (I’m writing this first, so that’s where my priorities are).
Stop #7: Going back
The procrastination continues. On Sunday, I will be forced to watch football, because if I didn’t, what kind of football fan would I be? Being a football fan requires dedication that is paramount to my education or anything else that actually matters in my life. So, to ease myself back into the college lifestyle, I will be writing my midterm the night before it is due. It sounds like a great plan.