"Suicide Squad" Review
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"Suicide Squad" Review

Skwad goals realized in latest blockbuster. Is it really that bad?

"Suicide Squad" Review
Warner Bros.

DC releases the next installment in its cinematic universe and, like "Batman V Superman," it's plagued with brutal criticism via Rotten Tomatoes. The Internet buzz surrounding DC/WB's films have hindered their cinematic universe from taking flight. So is the film that bad?

I went into this film with both high and low expectations. From the beginning, I was surprised to see DC choose this to be the follow-up to "BvS." I was won over by the director (David Ayer), the cast and the marketing of this film. "Suicide Squad" was to be very different from "BvS." This cast definitely sells this movie. Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Jared Leto, Viola Davis, Jai Courtney, etc. It's packed! Of course, there are stand outs.

Margot Robbie steals the show with her portrayal of Harley Quinn. She's the perfect dose of crazy and sexy to Jared Leto's enigmatic Joker. For what screen time Leto is given, he makes use of. I couldn't help but be hypnotized by Leto. Is it better than Heath Ledger? No, but both performances are not even on the same level. It's very awesome to see what Leto is trying to do with this version of the Joker, and I look forward to seeing Joker and Harley appear in a solo Batfleck film to dance with the Dark Knight. Speaking of Batfleck, Batman continues to be the driving force of this cinematic universe and as a Batman fanatic, I couldn't have been happier!

The film balances tones better than "BvS," as the humor hits well (yes, there's humor). The writing was a tad cheesy, at times, but in an action film like this, I expected that (look to "Suicide Squad" comics, they're pretty direct). The film does a good enough job to explain character backgrounds (those who need it for when it counts).

Will Smith as Deadshot is a highlight. He does his "Will Smith" thing and it totally works here, while not being the focal point of the film. Like "BvS," this film felt like it suffered from being chopped up in the editing room. There are plenty of scenes from the trailers that vanish in this cut. Will we get an extended cut for Blu-Ray? Maybe, and I certainly hope so. There's more Joker that was lost in the film.

Director, David Ayer, has delivered gritty flicks like "Training Day" (writer, 2001) and most recently, "Fury" (2014). He wrote and directed "Suicide Squad." Ayer was a proper choice to collaborate with DC/WB. He brought the edge, while maybe penning a generic action script.

Overall, this film works. Ayer responded to the negative buzz on Twitter quoting Emiliano Zapata. In translation, Ayer says he'd rather die standing than live on his knees. At the end of the day, filmmakers are artists. They want to push the craft and make something they're proud of.

I believe Ayer had the best intentions making this film. Despite what critics are saying, I enjoyed this. It worked for me and made me care about a faction of DC I can say I wasn't too hyped for. I applaud Ayer for having creative integrity when that is difficult to maintain in Hollywood.

In conclusion, "Suicide Squad" is a solid piece of summer fun. I think the criticism comes so harsh because, as fans, we're spoiled by the excellence of Marvel/Disney. Remember, DC/WB is still finding its identity. It wasn't too long ago I was defending Marvel's initial films like "Incredible Hulk," "Thor" and "Captain America: First Avenger" from critics and friends who didn't believe in the groundwork those films laid out. DC is playing catch up, but the pay off is coming (hint: The Flash!). What a time to be a fan, "Justice League" next year to establish the DC universe. Oh, and one element of the film that should win everyone over is the soundtrack. The use of music was on point, so check it out!

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