September is suicide prevention month. With that comes a lot of different causes trying to help end the stigma, and give support to the many people struggling. I myself have jumped into this full force with Hope For The Day.
Time for some facts; suicide claims the lives of 40,000 people in the United States each year, and 800,000 people globally (Hope For The Day). And Suicide is the second leading cause of death for people between the ages of 15 and 24.
These numbers and facts are far too high, and hit home for a lot of people. Some of you reading this fall between those ages. Take a minute and think, have you ever felt that low, to think to take your own life? Did you have someone to turn to? Or were you afraid because you thought people would label you, or say you were just looking for attention?
Suicide is a very serious issue, and many people do not seem to take it seriously enough. I want everyone to know that there IS help out there. There are people who are willing to listen. There are so many reasons to live.
All month, there are different ways in which I will be reaching out to people via social media. So please feel free to friend me on Facebook and come to me with anything. Questions, advice, just to vent. I am here for you.
The number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255. Do not hesitate to call.
Hope For The Day has some resources as well. If you visit their website (Link above) you can find ways to get involved with helping to end the stigma, find help for yourself or someone you love, or even donate to help keep these resources available for people who need them.
Remember, "Despite the things you've been through, it's ok, to not be ok." -Hope For the Day