Think back to the last time you heard "Oh this makes me want to kill myself!" or "Where's the gun when I need it?". Odds are, you have heard this recently in your life. You may have even contributed to these phrases. However, what is it about killing oneself that is "funny"? September is suicide awareness month, and I think it's time to bring awareness to a trend, that in all seriousness, is not a joke.
Losing someone to suicide is one of the worst things that can happen. Losing people in general is so painful. But with a suicide, that person is intentionally ending their life. They have so much pain in their heart, that they think the only way to escape that pain is by ending their life. In what way, is that funny? Think of your mother, your best friend, your sibling, losing a battle to suicide. Would you still say "I'd rather kill myself than do that."? Odds are you wouldn't, so why even say it?
It may seem harmless at the moment, but a simple phrase about killing oneself can do so much damage to those trying to heal. There are those who have dealt with thoughts of suicide themselves, and hearing that might send them right back to the place they were before. Those that struggle with depression and other mental illnesses are constantly fighting back negative thought patterns. So hearing that negative sentence can do so much damage to all the work they have already put in.
On the other side, there are people who have lost someone to suicide. I can personally say, that every time I hear a suicide joke, it sends me into an anxiety attack. I begin thinking of the beautiful life lost and the crippling fear that I could have saved them. I want to scream "No! You don't want to do that because life is so valuable!!". But I'm silenced by the fear of being criticized and judged for "over-reacting". This is something so many people face, and they are forced to relive their experience because someone was trying to make a "joke".
Now, I think it's important to mention that most people do not do this intentionally. I really do believe that this happens, due to a lack of communication about the effects it has on people. I have friends, family, and even professors make these jokes without realizing the impact it has on me. And it's not their faults. It's our societies fault for normalizing and even promoting suicide jokes. You watch TV and all around you see comedic characters joking about this issue. However, I'm finally done being silenced. Suicide is a serious issue, that we as people need to resolve. Instead of joking about it, we need to help those who are dealing with thoughts of suicide and those who have lost someone to suicide. We need to be kind and understanding of those struggling and show them they are loved. Show compassion to those around you, and remind them they are never alone. And please, next time you hear a suicide joke, simply remind them that those words can really affect someone. Suicide is not a joke, and it is simply no laughing matter.