For most of us, we have seen the new Netflix original 13 Reasons Why. The show does an excellent job with depicting how real suicide can be and the real affects of it. Some people believe that the show depicts suicide in a way that makes it more appealing. They think that people will likely want to kill themselves more because the show depicts that Hannah's death and more of an effect on her bullies and families and Clay more than her life did. That's not true.
Suicide is painful and death is slow. There is no way to make it quick and easy, there is no feeling of a burden being lifted off as soon as you pop some pills. This solution is permanent, you can never go back. Whatever you're feeling, it's temporary. There's so much to life that is much better than just a couple of meanies. Your parents will always be there for you and you can surround yourself with people who love and care for you. There will always someone who will care for you, maybe you have to wait, but you'll still be alive. Sometimes people are too scared to admit they want to die, but it's okay to admit it. Maybe admitting it is the best thing to ever happen if you do. People will realize that you need help and maybe you'll finally get what you need. Also, you'll be alive which is a huge plus. I know therapists don't sound fun, but they can be someone to talk to.
An outlet is one of the best ways to get rid of all those horrible feelings. Starting a journal; or even talking to someone anonymously can help make things better. Now, I don't know you and I can't even begin to understand what you may be going through, but I want you to know that someone will always be there of you. You're never alone and your death will hurt people more than you think you're hurting them by being alive. No one is going to be happy that you're gone. You can make people hurt by making them face the consequences of bullying. You don't have to face the consequences for other people that hurt you for no reason. Maybe even try standing up top the people that hurt you the most. Show them that you're not just a vulnerable piece of glass that they can break.
Anyways what I'm trying to say is that there are so many solutions, all you really need to do is pick one, pick anyone besides suicide. It's not going to do anyone any good and trust me it's going to be something you regret. Never getting to feel the sun on your face, never getting to see your family ever again, and all the other things that are good about life that overshadow all the bad. Please don't choose the wrong thing.
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