“Kill yourself”. Although it might seem funny to tell someone to do that, suicide is not something to joke about and never will be. In today’s age, many people joke about the act of suicide, but instead of joking about it, why can’t we use our resources and love to prevent this horrible thing that happens daily?
Throughout the United States we have many high school and college students that die by suicide each year. People say, “Kill yourself,” as a joke, until someone in their family does it. It is no longer funny. It is no longer a joke. The family starts looking into the hurt in peoples eyes and the constant pain expressed in their heart.
After you see the unhappiness that led to someone longing to end their life, absolutely everything is put into perspective. After trauma like this, they understand things and work harder throughout their days to make people understand they are loved and appreciated in all aspects, all the time.You begin to feel your heart break and shatter when someone starts talking about depression, anxiety, or any other mentally disabling disease that could cause anyone the pain that you once felt. You get teary eyed when someone say’s “kill yourself.” After hearing that someone died by suicide you can’t help but think, why would someone hurt me like this? Why would someone cause this much pain to the people around them? Who caused this? Was it my fault that they did this? This pain happens in peoples hearts daily and across the world. Suicide isn't revenge. Suicide isn't selfish. In the moment of terror and scared thoughts, people think of suicide as helping out the people around them. That’s the part nobody cares to understand. People die by suicide every single day. Every single day a mother, father, friend, child, etc. is looses a family member. That family member wasn't meaning to be defiant or rebellious. They lost a battle to their own mind.
On the other hand, society is in a sense of self degradation. Through saying, “I’m going to kill myself,” people are thinking its funny to threaten the act of suicide. However, it will never be something to laugh about, no matter how the person meant it. Depression, manic depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, PTSD, anxiety and other mental diseases lead to suicidal tendencies and thoughts that some people actually suffer with. One thing can always push someone over the edge.
Before poking fun at a person by saying, “Kill yourself” think about the effect and pain that rushes through the mind of people around you. People will always have something to take to heart and criticize. However, there are many things that are said too often and hurt too much. Take into consideration the family members of those people that have had those kids or parents be taken by such a horrible, devastating “disease”. People may think its funny, but I assure you that saying kill yourself is not funny.