Materials: white, black, and any other color face paint you feel like adding (color is optional but most sugar skulls have at least one color), makeup brushes, any glitter makeup you want to add, and liquid eyeliner (the eyeliner is optional but I didn't have a clean brush that was thin enough for outlining on hand)
If you're doing a basic standard skeleton makeup only follow steps 1-5.
Step 1:
Clean your face and apply white face paint avoiding the eye area. You can make the white as bold or soft as you like.
Step 2:
Outline the eye area in black face paint or eyeliner. To help with this, figure out where your eye socket is and use that as a guide. Try and keep it as neat as you can. You can always go back and smooth up the lines of you do mess up.
Step 3:
Outline how you want your nose to be. I usually either follow a tear drop shape or the anatomically correct way the nose bone would be. There's no right or wrong way to do it so feel free to mess around and crest your own design. I drew the steps of how I create the teardrop nose. You don't have to follow exactly how I did it. It just helps me keep everything symmetrical and neat.
Step 4:
Outline the mouth. You don't have to create the "full mouth" with the extended jaw outline like I do if your design doesn't need it. Again feel free to mess around and create your own unique look.
Step 5:
Fill in the nose and eye area.
Side note: If you want to do a standard skeleton makeup you can stop here.
Step 6:
Draw designs around the eyes and nose.
Step 7:
Draw any designs varying from spider webs to roses to swirls. Add any colored parts in this step as well.