I know you all have been scrolling down your news feed on Facebook and Twitter and saw all these statuses and memes regarding sugar or salt in your grits. The first time I witness this I thought my friend was just making fun of it until I saw more people posting about it.
Here's the thing—does itreally matter what I want to put in my grits in the morning? Do we really need to make a big deal out of something so small?
If you have clicked on the memes or read the statuses that some people have posted you can see that some people have even gotten in numerous arguments about this small situation.
Do you really care about what your neighbors do behind closed doors or at their breakfast table for you to go out and ruin friendships or just be a complete jerk to strangers around the world?Not only are the comments cruel and sometimes funny so are the memes. Here's a few:
There are many more of these memes floating around the internet and will continue to float around for a very long time.
This debate is almost like the one that went on last year regarding if this is dress blue or gold. Here's a refresher if you're unsure on what I am talking about:
Come one guys obviously the dress is white and gold! Anyways, that was so out of hand. It was all over Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and I bet it was over Pinterest.
What we should be discussing on Facebook is congratulating on all the 2016 graduates all the way down to Pre-K! You did it guys!
All in all don't make some silly situation take over your news feed on any social media. It can ruin a friendship or even your day only if you allow it! Positivity wins the race! (I made that up)