If you are dorky, socially awkward, but a happy-go-lucky person, then you may have found yourself being referred to as Sue Heck.
Sue Heck is a fictional character from the award winning show "The Middle." Sue Heck is the middle child. She has two brothers: Axl Heck the: athletic, lazy, and popular older brother and Brick Heck the: intelligent, procrastinating, bookworm younger brother. Sue Heck on the other hand has unique qualities that make her stand out from everyone else and make her, Sue Heck.
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1.You are happy and friendly more days than not
No matter what happens on any given day Sue always manages to have a smile on her face. A day that Sue has had Axl picking on her, Brad/Matt/Darren break up with her, and she was cut from a team she still manages to make it a good day.
2.Your clothing may be a little out of style.
Sue has a style all her own. Suggesting that her mother wear old prom dresses out to parties. Trying to wear a light purple dress with bright pink shoes. She definitely stands out from the rest.
3.You aren’t afraid to be yourself.
Sue is never afraid to be herself. She is never afraid to tell it like it is, and stand up to those mean Glosner boys. She also has some killer dance moves.
4.You celebrate even the smallest of victories.
Sue celebrates everything. She celebrates so much that when she finally did win something big, a trip to disney, her family didn't even know it. There is nothing wrong with celebrating, it makes life a little brighter.
5.You are the one in the family who is always being picked on, all in good fun.
Axl is always picking on Sue. If you have sibling in your family, then you are definitely the one who is always the butt of the joke. Although Axl is always making fun of Sue, he is always looking out for her. He isn't afraid to tell people to move there make out session somewhere else so she can have access to her locker again.
6.You love being involved, or at least trying out for everything possible.
Cross Country and Wrestlerettes were the two things that Sue was involved in. Thats because she made those teams. Cross Country was a no cut team and she made Wrestlerettes up. That doesn't mean she didn't try out for everything else, even after she fell through the floor at volleyball tryouts.
7.Your friends are a little strange
Carly and Brad are her two best friends in High school. She dated Brad for a little while, and when Mike Heck tried to offer Brad advice on what he thought was one thing, he ended up asking Carly on a date. Then there was the time that Carly got her braces off before Sue, got invited to a party, and brought Sue along with her. They both found out they weren't ready for high school boy-girl parties.
8.You have had braces, retainers, and/or headgear for far longer then you would like to discuss.
Sue had an over bite cross bite with a tong thrust. When she kept getting told by the orthodontist six more months till she could get them off she got really sick of it. She finally asked to have them taken off and a day later her teeth were reversed. Luckily for her she did not need to wear braces during The Year of Sue.
9.You are passionate about everything you do.
Sue Puts her full heart into everything she does. Wether she is making up a routine for the Wrestlerettes, or making a banner for the class of 2015 reunion table, or trying to fix the wall that her and Brick put a huge hole in, she gives it her all. There is nothing that can stop Sue Sue Heck.
10.You love your family.
Whenever Sue is feeling sad, she goes home to her family for support. Although some of them may pick on her, lick all the frosting off the cupcake that was for her, tell her exboyfriend to date her best friend, or take over her room when she goes away to college. She still loves them to death and wouldn't trade them for the world.
If you think you might be the Sue Heck in your family, do not fret! Embrace your inner Sue Heck-ness! Be your happy-go-lucky self. Try out for a million and one things. Celebrate every victory. Love your friends, even weird Ashley. Put passion into everything you do. At the end of the day you will still have your crazy family to love all your crazy Sue Heck quirks. Sue Heck isn’t afraid to be herself, and neither should you.