Dear Netflix Bingers,
It's me, the girl you can't stand. You know the one who also is a self-proclaimed binger but isn't anywhere close to the level the rest of you are on. Sure, we both started that show at the same time six months ago and I'm only just hitting season two while you are 14 seasons deep and are now watching the current up to date episodes every Thursday night at 8 p.m. while I hide under a rock avoiding social media for spoilers at all costs.
Yes, you definitely hate me. I say I'm a die hard fan of the show, same as you, and hey I am! But, I definitely pace myself. Or, you know am just slow as hell. You know sometimes I binge a few episodes in a night... sometimes I spend a whole rainy day watching hour episode after episode but then I step away.
Sometimes for a week other sometimes a few months. I have valid excuses like work, and school and a social life.. mostly though, I am just easily distracted. You can't fault me for not having the attention span to stay glued to the t.v. for more than a few days at a time! But, you do and I get it.
Just so you know though, sometimes I binge two seasons of a show just to binge four seasons of a different one and find myself going back and forth between four shows at once, perpetually never making any real progress towards finishing one show. I know I'm irritating and trust me, I'd like to step my game up but hey, I'm easily distracted and clearly multitasking is not my forte. Please don't strip me of my binging title or spoil episodes I may never reach.
The Worst Binger There Ever Was