As college students, the majority of us are probably not allowed to have pets in our dorms/apartments/rented houses. Some people may buy fish, which is a good option if fish are allowed. That's as close as we can get to pets, right? Wrong. Recently, succulents have become popular among the college population. I've seen dorms (including my own) that house these beautiful plants. While they may not greet you at the door every day, they are the best option for companions to the pet-less (and broke) college students. Here's why:
1. They're adorable.
I mean, look at them in all their aesthetic beauty. There are so many different sizes and colors! It's impossible to not want at least one!
2. They can propagate!
Propagating is basically breeding from the parent place. So, you'd take leaves from one succulent and plant them in damp soil, and a whole new plant will start to grow! You could have as many as you wanted!
(And if you're cheap like me, you can buy just one and grow more. Not that they're that expensive; they're actually pretty cheap.)
3. They can be planted in pretty much anything.
There have been succulents planted in terrariums (horizontal or vertical), light bulbs, old shoes, toy dinosaurs and even in coffee pots. Whatever you prefer, where you plant them will definitely add some personality.
4. They don't require a lot of attention.
Give them a good dose of sunshine and a good weekly watering. They'll be around, even if you forget or have to go away for awhile.
5. They're good with temperature.
Rain or shine, sun or snow, a succulent is good at toughing it out. There's no extra special care needed; just keep them a little more dry in the winter.
6. They don't try to bother you when you want to be alone.
Pets can be fun to play with, but sometimes you may need downtime that your pet won't give you. With a succulent, you (hopefully) won't have that problem.
7. Your pets aren't the only companions you can give weird names to!
Naming succulents can be a fun process, even though they won't respond to the name you give them. Be as weird and creative as you want!