Being a student in college likely means that you constantly busy, and finding time to think about life after school might not seem like a high priority. It is important to do so early, though, and going to a career fair is a great opportunity. You can make connections with potential future employers and look for internship opportunities. Attending for the first time can be intimidating, and although there are tons of resources out there to help you prepare, it can be a lot to go through. If you are looking for a clear outline of how to prepare, then these ten useful tips are for you:
1. Set a goal
Do you want to find an internship? Are you going there just to walk around and see what it is like? Figure out what you want to get out of the experience.
2. Research the employers you want to meet
They will love to see that you have already put forth effort into learning about their company.
3. Prepare and practice an elevator pitch
I had to prepare one for a class that I am in, and it proved to help make a very positive first impression when I used it at the career fair.
4. Practice your elevator pitch again
Practice again and many more times after that. You will want to be as well-spoken as possible.
5. Prepare and bring copies of your resume
At the career fair that I recently attended, students were advised to bring at least 20 copies of their resume. Employers want to see what you have to offer, and your resume will help them do just that. It's a good idea to bring a pen and a notebook to take notes with, too.
6. Dress Professionally
7. Prepare a specific question or two for each employer
You don't have to ask it if you don't find the right time, but a good question is a great way to keep the conversation flowing smoothly.
8. If you're especially nervous, find someone to go with
It can help having a friend or peer there to support you. You don't have to go alone!
9. Schedule plenty of time for it
Career fairs can be many hours long, but don't show up too close to the end. Try and make extra room in your schedule in case you end up wanting to stay longer than you initially expected.
10. Be confident!
If you prepare ahead of time, you will be ready for it. Relax, be confident, and showcase how awesome you truly are!