I think there is always something about ourselves that we would like to improve. For me, it has always been my fitness, my diet and my performance as a student. It is never easy to make a change no matter how small. We are so accustomed to our habits that sometimes we slip up without even noticing. However, change is always possible. Here are a few of my personal strategies that I have found to be most effective.
1. Have an accountability partner.
I am someone who can talk myself out of doing pretty much anything. However, I have a much harder time disappointing someone else. Have a gym buddy, a meal prep buddy, a study buddy or whatever buddy you need. Sharing your goals with another person makes it easier to stick to your plan and it makes it more fun.
2. Make a realistic plan.
It is easy to say you are going to x, y and z, but you have to make sure that you are setting attainable goals. Don't over load yourself because you will burn out, exhaust yourself or just not do anything whatsoever. Instead, start with baby steps. Help yourself be successful, so lay our your goals and then create levels of activity to meet those goals. Just don't go from zero to 100.
3. Do things for the right reasons.
It is really hard to accomplish anything if you aren't doing it for the right reasons. Something I have learned as a psychology student is to make a change your have to want to change. It has to start with you. Not for any one else. So if you want to be healthy then be healthy for you, be a better student for you, be a better person for you. Then you can worry about all those other motivations.
4. Understand you are not perfect.
You are human. You will slip up. Maybe you eat more than just one cheat meal. Maybe you don't do so hot on a test. Maybe you skip the gym one morning. It is not the end of the world. All that matters is that you recognize where you didn't meet your goals and to get back on the horse ASAP. Have some grace with yourself, but don't make excuses either.
5. Make up your mind firmly.
If you want something then bust your butt every day working for it. Nothing in this life worth anything is easy. So set your mind to your goal and do everything in your power to make it happen.
You are capable.
You are strong.
You are worth it.