Do I have it all? heck yeah, I do. Do you have it all? HECK YEAH, YOU DO!
However, if you don't believe me, I understand...but keep reading. If you don't think you have it all, hopefully I can teach you how to get it all, or how to realize you've already got it with 7 simple tips...
1. Don't compare your successes to another person's successes. Set personal goals based off of things you genuinely want to achieve, not based off of what the people around you are doing.
2. Realize you have to experience failure at least once before you succeed.
3. Don't go straight for the big guns! Start small, and gradually grow bigger. Let's face some extent, we all started from the bottom.
4. Stop talking, start doing. You're not getting anything done by just talking about it. Actions do speak louder than words!
5. Get out of your comfort zone and experience new horizons! Try taking a step towards that amazing dream that's been in the back of your mind for months, even years.
6. Have faith in yourself.
7. Lastly, the secret to having it all is realizing you already do. Take in everything you currently have, remind yourself of everything you are grateful for and realize you do have it all. And you, most certainly, can have more.
With that being said, I just want everyone to know that this can apply to anything: college, gym, your job, or just your daily life in general.
Also, this article was inspired by the cute shirt I bought from Old Navy two days ago. Thanks, Old Navy.
With Love,