How To Succeed As A Public Speaker | The Odyssey Online
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How To Succeed As A Public Speaker

How To Succeed As A Public Speaker

How To Succeed As A Public Speaker

Whether you are in college or working a nine to five job, chances are you will be asked to get in front of your peers and deliver a presentation. Learning the art of public speaking is important because it will teach you how to be confident in front of a group of people.

When first asked to speak at a public forum, you may draw a complete blank. What do I talk about? How do I keep my audience engaged? Believe it or not, choosing a topic for public speaking isn't hard at all and neither is delivering it. It just takes a few key ingredients: Knowledge, Passion, Personality and Follow-Through. These public speaking success tips can help you become a better orator.

Speak About What You Know

The best advice anyone can give you on public speaking is to speak and write about what you know. Not only what you know, but what you have passion for. Love to fish? Talk about the time you nearly fell off the boat reeling in that record marlin. Enjoy hiking? Speak about the time you went on your first hiking trip with your kids. When you have passion about your topic, writing will be easy and talking about will be fun.

The founder of Motivational Speakers recommends that all new speakers get in front of their friends and talk about something that excites them. He says, "It's important that you get used to speaking from the heart so that it comes off natural and not rehearsed."

Add a Personal Touch

No matter what your subject, interjecting a few funny stories and anecdotes can engage your audience and keep them interested. When writing, be yourself and write as if you were writing to an old friend. This way, the speech will come across as more personal and you'll feel relaxed and natural as you speak. Work and family life are common topics that will help engage your audience.

Don't be too Technical

If you've been given a topic and you're not familiar with it, do your research but don't try to be too technical. It could backfire on you when somebody in your audience with more knowledge on the subject tries to challenge you.

We spoke to the editor of Keynote Speaker and they suggested that you always make it clear on what you are the expert on, and what you are still learning.

Use the Three-Second Rule

Instead of simply reading off of note card, memorize your speech so you can use the three-second rule on your audience. This means picking out a member of the audience and looking directly into their eyes for three seconds before moving on to the next person. Looking directly at someone helps them to connect with you and the message you're trying to get across.

Use Visual Aids When Speaking

If your speech promises to be a long and involved one, you might want to use visual aids to enhance your presentation. This can come in the form of handouts, projection slides or both. Remember, you want to engage and involve your audience, not bore them.

Change it Up

If you notice wandering attention in your audience, change it up a little. Move about the room, throw out a one-liner, change your body language, show a picture or use a prop. Each time you do this, you're inviting your audience to reconnect with you and your message.

End on the Right Note

Knowing how to end your speech is just as important as knowing how to start it and what kind of tone to speak it in. Know your audience and subject matter. If your speech has been serious throughout, finish with a funny story or anecdote to end on a high note.

If you've been using humor right along, end it on a more serious note to pull the audience back to your original message. A touching story is an ideal closer for a charitable speech.

Public speaking can be daunting, but if you have passion for your topic and add personal touch in your writing, you'll keep your audience interested and develop a lasting connection

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