Nice people. You don't come across them much anymore, huh. It's a shame. I had so much faith in humanity when I was a kid that I didn't even know what faith in humanity was! Everyone was happy-go-lucky, always smiling, sharing their string cheese, and generous with their Barbies. What happened to that? Anyone?
Today I went to FedEx and just had the most disheartening experience. It wasn't anything big, but it hurt my feelings. As a human being, I do have feelings. Did you know that?
I went up to the counter and asked if I could borrow their stapler. As the lady kept full eye contact with the screen in front of her, she slammed the stapler on the counter in front of me and didn't say a word.
"Uh, thanks," I replied. Did that really just happen?
Am I the only one in this world that would gladly say "Of course you can," smile and look them in the eyes as I speak to them? I know I'm not, but it just seems that people that I have encountered lately don't have the human interaction thing down yet. This woman was probably in her early fifties, and she didn't even have the decency to look me in the eye or say "sure." How would she feel if I did the same thing to her?
Worthless. I felt like I was nothing to her. Maybe she hates her job, maybe she had a bad day, maybe she just isn't a happy person. I don't know her issues, and they're not my problem. My problem is that she took them to work with her and took it out on me and probably other people as well. That's not right. Fake it till ya make it lady! That's just how life is.
I thought about saying something to her, smacking her in the face, talking to her manager, or just running her over with my car as I pulled out of the parking lot, and then I thought that I should just let it go and not dwell on it. As I drove home, I contemplated going back there and telling her how rude she was and that it was disappointing that she ruined my FedEx faxing experience on July 25, 2016. I just kept driving home, reminding myself to be the bigger person.
In short, I urge you readers- if I have any- to think positively. Remind yourself of all the good in the world. Think about all the smiling faces at Disney World and when you forgot your lunch when you were a kid so your best friend gave you half of their disgusting and soggy turkey sandwich. That is just pure love, keep spreading it. The happiness will never go away, but only if you let it. So don't hold grudges! It will give you wrinkles. Focus on the things in your life that you love the most.
And I love my puppies, so I went home to those happy fat dogs.