It's getting colder which can only mean we are getting closer to the dreaded finals week, but before we get there, there may be a few exams along the way. We've all been through it but it never changes.
1. Denial
The exam is soon but not soon enough so it's fine to ignore it for a couple days. It's not till the end of the week it's fine.
2. Procrastination
At this point, let's assume you have at least opened your book and read the title of chapter. Then a second later opened Facebook because you've at least attempted it.
3. More procrastination
You really should be studying but there are other, more fun, things to do. Right?
4. Defeat
The test is in a few days, it's officially time shack up with your textbook or laptop and get to work.
5. Determination
Whether is be immense amounts of coffee or just the sheer will to get a good grade, you get a quick dose of determination to study hard for this test.
6. Frustration
That moment when you encounter a concept you don't understand. Or you've worked on a problem and yet still haven't gotten it correct. WHY. DID. I TAKE. THIS. CLASS?!
7. Bargaining
Future. That's why you're doing this, but is it worth it? Yes, but at what cost? Can't we just put this class off? This a little bit dramatic but it definitely goes through your head when you've worked on a problem 7 times. At that point you might feel like you'd be better becoming a master burger flipper like Spongebob.
8. Sadness
When you've been reading the same sentence over and over because you didn't pay attention the first time or the next. It's been a few hours by now and the need to cry is strong.
9. Anger
This usually occurs when you've done a completed a problem and the system you're using says it's wrong because it's off by a decimal or you didn't round. Wanting to through your laptop or textbook at the wall is a more desirable situation at this point.
10. Acceptance & Completion
You've reached the end of studying, it's fine to reenter the world and get through this test. You've gone through the emotional wringer and hopefully you've understood something out it to get pass this test.
Good luck and stay strong, the future is bright!