Studying is definitely important, especially in college. It is almost always nearly impossible not to study and still get a good grade on an exam. Studying is difficult to do and often finding the motivation to settle down and focus is difficult to come by. However, I do find that by putting my phone away and going somewhere that isn't my dorm room, the amount of distractions can be lessened and my productivity level increases.
Studying is never something I want to spend my time doing, but it's important and the relief you feel after you finish taking an exam is like lifting a burden off of your shoulders. However, it feels much better to leave an exam with confidence than it does to leave an exam wishing you had reviewed that one section just a little bit longer.
While it is important to study, it is also important to get sleep. When I study, I try to focus and finish studying well before midnight. Once it reaches midnight, or even 10pm, I begin to lose motivation, and when I study pass this hour the studying is nearly ineffective. This lack of motivation happens to me, so I am sure that it happens to many others. Yet, despite this fact, I notice many people packed into the library into the wee hours of the morning. I see snapchats documenting studying at 3am, 4am, and even 5am, even if they have an 8am exam. Although you are memorizing more information, losing sleep over studying is not the best way to be.
When I read over exam material before falling to sleep, I tend to remember it better, but only if I've had the chance to sleep enough before taking the exam. So the next time the clock strikes 12 the day before your final, think twice about studying more, and remember that your mental health is what matters more, and being sleep deprived will not help you while taking a test.