As you've been in your classes for a few weeks now, you've probably had an okay time managing everything.
As you start to flip through your syllabus and check out your upcoming semester assignments, you're most likely starting to feel the pressure. Whether this is your first year in college or your last, the crash of all of your assignments and responsibilities in a semester comes faster than you realize. And when it does come falling down, it feels like you're being hit by a train at full speed.
Don't worry! There's still time to get ahead of the game before it's too late! Starting with these study habits...
1. Make a calendar and actually use it.
Whether it's a physical calendar that you write in with multi-colored gel pens or the calendar on your smartphone, take advantage of the calendar. There is too much going on in your life right now to remember everything by yourself. Use this calendar to remind yourself of the homework you have due for the week and tests you need to start studying for.
2. Find a study-buddy.
Study buddy
You can't do all this studying by yourself. Find someone to accompany you to the library and read over your papers for you before you submit them. Plus, studying is a lot more fun if there are friends involved.
3. Take advantage of your campus resources, such as free tutoring!
Most, if not all, universities and colleges offer free learning centers to help you get ahead or catch up. You can join a group session if you simply want a refresh of the material or you can sign up for an individual meeting to focus on your specific concerns. Plus, it's free.
4. Attend your professor's office hours.
A majority of the time, your professor isn't as scary as they seem and they actually want to help you. Visit your professor's office hours at least a week before an assignment is due to get on the right track. If your professor doesn't offer office hours or isn't your favorite person of all time, there are usually other professors or instructional assistants who are more than happy to help you. I used to go to my math professors office hours every week and she would never show up. Soon one of the other math teachers noticed I was coming and invited me to see her whenever I had questions. She ended up helping me with a lot of my assignments and was a great resource.
5. Review material ahead of time so you can ask questions in class or during individual sessions.
Review material
To know what you have to know, you have to know what you don't know. You know? Let me say this in easier terms. Don't be afraid of the things you don't understand. Having questions is a good thing because you're not supposed to know everything. Bring those questions to the right people to get answers and embrace the unknown with open arms.
6. Ditch the distractions during class time.
Class can sometimes be interesting... if you actually pay attention. If what's happening on your social feed is on the back of your mind, put your phone in your bag. If you keep texting on your computer instead of taking notes, write your notes by hand. The more you put into your classes, the more you'll get out of them and more importantly the less catching up you'll have to do.
7. Don't give up on yourself, even when it feels like you'll never understand the material.
We're smart
Sometimes you're going to fall on your face, like Andy in that gif. The important thing is to remember that you've got this. In order to understand new material, you have to get past the mental block that you give yourself when you want to give up.
8. Enjoy the experience. You won't in the moment, but you will when it's over.
While staying up late in the library and reviewing flashcards before class sounds like a nightmare right now, once it's over you'll admire the hard work you put into it. I've had some impossible classes before when every day was like entering the gates of Hell, but once I got my beautiful grade at the end of it... it felt pretty dang good.