It's that time of year again. About a month or so into school and you've settled into your routine at school with all your friends. Everything is great until all of a sudden its "Midterm Month." You tell yourself that you'll be more prepared this semester and write all your midterm/test dates down in your planner. As it gets closer to the test date, you realize you should start studying for it but you won't. Instead you'll wait until the last minute to start studying, and the cycle begins again. Here's what happens during a typical day in Midterm Month.
The day before the test:
You decide it's finally time for you to start studying, but you don't really know how to start.
You procrastinate every way you can, like getting overly prepared to study by picking the perfect pen.
Or scrolling through all your social media sites, twice.
Or watching "just one episode" on Netflix.
Or making a pre-study "snack."
Or doing the dishes/laundry you've been putting off all week.
The night before the test:
After procrastinating for hours and hours you decide its actually time to start studying.
First things first, coffee.
You open your textbook for the first time all semester and realize that you should've started studying earlier.
About an hour into studying, you realize you have only gotten through Chapter 1 of 10.
Around midnight you start to crash and hate yourself for not starting earlier.
You start to blame your teachers.
Or get angry at your friends who don't aren't stressed about their exams.Get a little delirious around 1:30 a.m.
Maybe panic about your grade and how it affects your future,
And finally pass out around 3:00 a.m. or as the sun rises.
The day of the test:
You wake up flustered and confused.
You have breakfast.
You get dressed and go to class.Either you absorbed all the information you studied last night and feel ready to conquer the test...
Or you have given up on trying to do well, just want to pass and have gotten to the point of "Well, I know what I know."
After the test:
You crash, caffeinate or cry.
What's done is done. At least until next week. And the cycle begins again. #ProcrastinationQueen